Monday, June 26, 2006

Shoo fly...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush said on Monday that North Korea should tell the world what it has atop a missile the United States believes it is preparing to launch.

As pathologically nutty as he is, even Kim Jong Il isn't stupid enough to attack the United States with an armed missile of any kind, much less a nuclear-tipped missile. Within about 30 minutes, North Korea would resemble the surface of Mars--except with deeper craters.

Actually there's a note attached to the tip of the missile which reads "CATS AND DOGS ALL GONE--SEND FOOD--NOW!!!"

Seriously, I don't think there's anything to worry about with this missile they have. There's absolutely nothing to be gained by attacking the U.S.--you can ask Osama if you can find the dark, damp, creepy cave he's been hiding in for years. There is, however, lots to be gained by threatening to attack the U.S. We should just go ahead and give this cretin what he wants (attention and food) so he'll go away for another year or two. We'll end up doing that in the long run anyway, and we don't exactly have the time for his gamesmanship right now.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, I think North Korea could very easily turn into our next Iraq. Only their army is reasonably competent and could prove a handful in a confrontation. If they have operational nukes, the dog-eater might just be crazy enough to use one in desperation. We didn't really have to worry about that with Saddam.

    It is unclear whether sanctions or an embargo will be effective when China, Russia, and as recently as yesterday, Venezuela are on very friendly terms with the mad-man Jong Il. Hugo Chavez hates the U.S. and would help Jong Il out any way he could if there ends up being a stand-off of some sort.

    You know the U.N. will be typically useless if things escalate and it will once again be left up to the U.S. taxpayer to bear the burden of world policeman.

    I'm getting a little tired of keeping all these rogue dictatorships in line. I agree with you something quick and be done with it. This idiot is yanking our chain and he deserves to be bitten for it.
