Monday, June 12, 2006

Oh no, not the Breck Girl again!

Borrowed from the Des Moines Register...

A new Iowa Poll conducted for The Des Moines Register shows that Edwards, the runner-up in the Iowa Democratic caucuses two years ago and a frequent visitor to the state since then, is the choice of 30 percent of Iowans who say they are likely to take part in the January 2008 caucuses.

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York follows on Edwards' heels with 26 percent in the Iowa Poll.

How unpopular do you have to be with the kooky-Left base to come in second to the Breck Girl, or as some call him, the Silky Pony? Admittedly, Edwards has been spending a lot of time in Iowa just to make a good showing in these early season straw polls and Hillary hasn't, but c'mon, Hillary is the anointed one.

What this shows is that despite Hillary's enormous amounts of cash, her previous popularity with Left-leaning voters, and her transparent attempt of late to portray herself as a centrist, the extreme Left base is not happy with her.( You know you're in trouble as a Liberal when nutcase Cindy Sheehan shuns you as too conservative)

I predict Hillary will have a problem come '08 when her centrist feint will have worn thin with the lib faithful, she's been around too long as an establishment politician to garner wide support among the nutty Liberal base, and there are other Democrats, maybe a governor or two, who appeal more to the rank and file Dem voters as an outsider who promises to "shake things up" in Washington.

The Dem base is as tired of losing elections as a substitute teacher is of getting hit in the back of the head with spit-balls, and an old-school, establishment candidate is not going to be able to get the base behind him/her. By '08, Hillary will have been on the national scene for so long it'll be like trying to get excited about a Kennedy, Dukakis, or Hart candidacy. Only the west coasters and the snooty north eastern libs will be jazzed about her running...and she can forget about wining in fly-over country.

The Breck Girl, on the other hand, has been out of establishment politics for a couple of years and has become fairly popular among putative Dem voters. (I would love to have the opportunity to rip his "two Americas" class-warfare platform to shreds) That being said, I think all John Edwards really has going for him is his looks and saccharine southern accent.

Edwards may be in the lead right now but there's two more years to go and once all the candidates descend on Iowa, he will get swallowed up by the pack like the pelaton swallows up the early break-away riders in the Tour de France.

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