Monday, June 12, 2006

"Big Dumb Jock", not just a cliche' anymore!

PITTSBURGH –Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger
, who last season became the youngest quarterback in NFL history to lead his team to a Super Bowl title, was badly injured in a motorcycle crash Monday morning and set for surgery.

Roethlisberger lost most of his teeth, fractured his left sinus cavity bone, suffered a nine-inch laceration to the back of his head and a broken jaw, and severely injured both of his knees when he hit the ground, police said. A plastic surgeon has been summoned.

Seriously...a plastic surgeon? The plastic surgeon will have to take a number behind the maxillofacial surgeon, the orthopedic surgeon, the cranio-facial surgeon, and the oral surgeon.

How completely stupid can this guy be? I'll bet any amount of money that every skill player in the NFL, particularly QB's, have "no motorcycles" clauses in their employment contracts. I read somewhere today that Roethlisberger wasn't even wearing a helmet while riding through Pittsburgh traffic...because, get this...he doesn't like them. What kind of example is, "helmets aren't cool", for kids? He ran into a car, flipped over his handle-bars, and crashed head-first into the windshield.

I'm going on record right now in saying I have absolutely no pity whatsoever for this cretin or any other dumb jock who has way more money than brains. I'm not going to say he deserved to get hurt, but he certainly got what any 10 year old could have predicted, for being one of the stupidest people to have made it to 24 having not already accidently killed himself. It's just a good thing nobody else got hurt.

If he doesn't make a full and complete recovery, the Steelers should demand every penny of his signing bonus be returned and his contract permanently voided. Think of how many people this idiot let down by simply being stupid...

Here's a short list:
1. Steeler fans who've paid good money for regular and season tickets for the promise of seeing Roethlisberger lead the team for another season
2. Steeler owners who've paid him a king's ransom to lead their team
3. Steeler coaching staff who've molded the entire offense to suit his strengths as a QB
4. Steeler teammates who depend on him to be the leader to try to repeat
5. Impressionable kids who think he's cool because he's a NFL champion quarterback
6. His family who'll now have to put up with his sitting around the house complaining bitterly the rest of his life because his career was cut prematurely short

It boggles the mind to think there are still people who don't recognize the overwhelming necessity to wear a helmet every single time you any speed.

The NFL should make an example of this guy and demand that he do 10, hours of helmet awarness seminars for kids. I know what you're thinking..."But Ed, you always harp about letting the free market determine individual behavior. Why is this any different? Shouldn't Ben be free to ride motorcycles in big-city traffic without a helmet if he wants to?"

It's different because he signed an employment contract with the Steeler organization which stipulates "no motorcycles". If he decides to void the contract by riding a motorcycle anyway and he gets hurt, then because of his own stupidity, he deserves to lose his ability to earn a living playing football. Likewise, if by some slip-up, the organization didn't require him to sign one, then the Steelers org. got exactly what it deserved for it's stupidity.

And that's the free labor market at work. Labor markets aren't separate from personal behaviors. Practically every employer has personal behavior criteria that it demands in return for drugs is the big one. When a company has millions invested in an employee, it can make other demands as well..."no wreckless behavior which would endanger your ability to work", for instance.

I think training camp for the NFL starts in like August. If those injuries in the article above are correct, he won't play at all this year, if ever again.


  1. This is what happens when you give little boys a lot of money to "play" for a living. They think they are invincible. I wonder why he bothers to wear a helmet and pads on the football field. Does he actually think that riding a motorcycle without a helmet in traffic is less dangerous than being tackled on a football field.What an IDIOT!! I won't even go into the arguement about the responsibility of being a role model to kids.

  2. simply don't ride a motorcycle without a helmet any more than you perform on the trapeze without a net.

    I'll be interested in what he has to say in his first press conference...that is if his language and speech centers survived the crash intact and functional.

  3. Young Ben would probably have made America's most eligible batchelors list that just came out, but for his totally avoidable wreck.

    Now without teeth, a reconsrtucted face, and a nine inch swath on his head where hair will probably never grow, he looks more like a poorly aged hockey player rather than an eligible NFL quarterback with his whole life in front of him.

    Did anybody mention how utterly stupid he was? Oh yeah, only the whole world.
