Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It backfires every time...

If the Catholic church, and other Christian churches, who are offended by the Da Vinci Code movie, don't want people to see it...then they're doing the exact opposite of what they should do. Every time Hollywood comes out with a controversial movie about religion which offends people, they start protesting, calling for censorship and demanding withdrawal of the offending movie. This is America, nothing draws people who wouldn't have otherwise seen a movie, like protest and controversey. The bigger the protest, the more people will go see it just to see what all the fuss is about.

I hate to be the one to point this out but it sort of reminds me of the crazy Muslims in Europe protesting over those stupid cartoons of Muhammad. The only difference is the crazy Muslims are violently protesting while the Catholics are peacefully protesting. A huge difference I admit, but the idea of protesting a piece of fictitious entertainment is about as pointless and silly as burning down one's own neighborhood to protest the publication of a political cartoon.

I'm a Christian and I read The Da Vinci Code. I thought it was a fantastically entertaining thriller and not once did I question my faith or any aspect of my belief in the historical accuracy of the bible.

The Da Vinci Code is fiction!

Sure, there are some gullible idiots out there who believe everything they see, but they probably also believe in UFO's, Bigfoot, and that Hillary Clinton is a centrist.

I realize these zealots think they have to take some action and do something to stop the heresy, but this is a free country, not a theocracy. All they're doing is ginning up interest in the movie where there might not have been so much.

When the government wanted teens to stop smoking, it came out with anti-smoking commercials aimed at kids. Guess what? The incidence of teen smoking rose temporarily. The sure fire way to get people to do something is to tell them not to. More people will go see The Da Vinci Code precisely because of these protests than would have otherwise.

Talk about self-defeating!


  1. If a piece of fiction can rock your faith, your faith wasn't that strong to start with.

  2. Excellent point! And is the hazy, historical minutae of the bible the basis of anyone's faith anyway? The basis of Christianity remains that Jesus (being devoid of sin) voluntarily died on the cross to save humanity from our sins and as Christians, we have to acknowledge and accept his gift to get to heaven. Grace cannot be earned.

    That about sums it up, regardless of the historical interpretation of various scholars and authors over the centuries.

    C'mon people, get a grip!

  3. This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

  4. Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
