Thursday, May 11, 2006

Another case of wild animal eats careless human...

When will they learn? This from the Florida Sun Sentinel: Construction workers found the dismembered body of a Davie woman on Wednesday who was attacked by an alligator after she went out for a nightly jog, authorities say. The body of Yovy Suarez Jimenez, 28, was found floating in a canal between Markham County Park and State Road 84 in Sunrise, police Lt. Robert Voss said.

Police said Jimenez was still wearing her Nike sneakers, jogging sports bra and biking shorts. Unidentified witnesses told investigators that a woman matching Jimenez's description was seen dangling her feet over the water's edge.

I don't live in Florida but while visiting, I've seen alligators lurking in ponds, or canals or other bodies of water. Surely the residents are aware of their proximity to these aggressive carnivores. Everybody has heard the stories of people being attacked in their backyards, on golf courses and such. Nobody can say they aren't aware of the danger. For this girl to dangle her feet over the canal water, from a bridge, at night...that's like going into a lion's cage to pet're going to get eaten!

As more land is developed to keep pace with Florida's housing boom, more wildlife habits are lost and alligators are more likely to wander into residential and commercial areas.

I'm usually the one ridiculing kooky environmentalists for blaming everything bad that happens on human encroachment and development into wildlife habitat, but in this case they are right. When you build your house in proximity to wild animals who might try to eat you, if you're not careful, there is a better than fair chance that you might get eaten.

The attack wasn't enough to frighten people out of the waters of the North New River Canal, about a half-mile west of the site. Even when wildlife officers pulled up to a boat ramp, people wouldn't stop using their Super Jet Wave Runners."I'm not afraid," said Daniel Marino Jr., 17, of Plantation. That's true, agreed Charlie Craig of Margate, also riding a Super Jet."I've been coming here 10 years and see gators all the time," Craig said. "I'm not afraid of them, even in mating season."

Now the girl, careless or not, probably did not deserve to be eaten but these two idiots probably do. Charlie's mighty brave to state from the safety of the shore that's he's not afraid of the alligators, but let's see how brave he is when he falls off his jet ski and a gator is swimming toward him. What a moron!

I'm ashamed to have to admit that I'm sort of looking forward to making fun of that kid after a gator eats him.


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