Thursday, April 13, 2006

Youths Protest Jobs While France Crumbles

Borrowed (in part) from Tom Heneghan

PARIS (Reuters) - French President Jacques Chirac announced on Friday he would sign a controversial youth job law despite weeks of protests, but promised it would be amended right away to weaken two of its most disputed reforms.

Leave it to Chirac to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He caved to the unemployed slackers even before the law was in effect…how typically French.

Trade union and student leaders promptly rejected his proposals as insufficient and vowed to press on with their protests, including a nationwide action day next Tuesday.

Who is feeding and housing these jobless lay-abouts while they protest the very system that funds their worthlessness? Oh, I forgot. France is the cradle of modern Socialism so they were probably each issued a tax-payer subsidized meal and lodging card, good for three-hots-and-a-cot at hotels conveniently near most protest venues.

Even before he spoke, students gathered in Paris and other main cities to continue protests against the First Job Contract (CPE), which will let employers fire workers under 26 without cause during their first two years on the job.

Even before he spoke they gathered to protest. That’s rich!

"It is time to defuse the situation," Chirac said in the televised speech, in which he said he understood the concerns of youths who could not find jobs. Youth unemployment is running at 22 percent, high above France's 9.6 percent national average.

He said he would sign the law but then have amendments passed to shorten the permitted trial period to one from two years and require employers to give a reason for any dismissal.

French youths must be every bit as stupid as their reputation suggests. Don’t they get it? Chirac is trying to pass legislation to assist them in getting jobs. This new CPE law will encourage employers to hire young workers. Sure they’ll have to prove themselves worthy…that’s reality Jean-Paul…buck up!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing makes me more angry than people who haven't ever tried at anything in their life, then decide to gripe about how pitiful their life is. What makes these spoiled little French kids think they can get hired and get payed to do nothing? Its not called a job because you sit on your butt all day pretending to work. Its work!
