Thursday, April 13, 2006

Al Gore

Al Gore has become a caricature of a cliché of a parody of himself…
This borrowed from Drudge:

Gore argued that by refusing to face up to the threat of global warming, Bush is just like the disgraced British prime minister who appeased the Nazis before World War II. "Where there is no vision, the people perish," Gore writes, quoting the Bible to bash Bush.

So, Clinton’s co-conspirator and the inventor of the internet equates what amounts to a natural warming trend in the Earth’s climate cycle with Nazism and the Holocaust? How more bizarre can this guy get before Tipper has him committed to a rubber room at the laughing factory? With off-the-deep-end spokespersons like this, it’s no wonder the Democrats may never win another election, despite the Republican’s remarkable inability to stay on message of late.

Warning that Bush and the Republican Congress have displayed "a blinding lack of awareness" about "the worst catastrophe in the history of human civilization" — global warming — Gore also blames the incumbent for ignoring the threat of 9/11.

Bush "was warned on Aug. 6, 2001, of an attack by Al Qaeda.’Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US,' said the intelligence community in a message so important that it was the headline of the President's daily briefing that day, five weeks before the attacks," Gore seethes.

"Didn't he see that clear warning?" asks Gore. "Why were no questions asked, meetings called, evidence marshaled, clarifications sought?"

As for Bush's slow response to Hurricane Katrina, "Once again an urgent warning was ignored. The videotapes of one session make clear that the President heard the warnings but, again, asked not a single question."

Americans are finally acknowledging "that Katrina, as horrible as it was, may have been the first sip of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us over and over again," Gore rants.

It’s not easy being green.

I’ll bet it’s not easy being Gore’s team of shrinks either!

Is it really Gore’s strategy to wrap the Holocaust, global warming, 9/11 and Katrina all into one Bush-hating fantasy of blame? Clever! Let’s see how that plays in November.

1 comment:

  1. I still dont understand how Katrina could ever be Bush's fault. How is the scapegoat of a natural disaster anyone other Mother Nature? Now, how could an event that happened 60 years ago, before Bush was even born be his fault? Now, Gore, how would you suggest that Bush have stopped the 9/11 attacks? If you had been president, you probably would have asked "Where are the World Trade Centers? on the Internet? how do you fly an airplane into the Internet?" Al Gore, you are an idiotic moron, go fix the internet or something you dummy!
