Thursday, April 13, 2006

Yale Taliban


From the New York Times’ Chip Brown
The Taliban’s former spokesman, Rahmatullah Hashemi, is now an undergraduate at Yale University. In fact he appeared at a Yale forum representing the Taliban a few months before 9/11. “In some ways,” he says, “I’m the luckiest person in the world. I could have ended up in Guantanomo Bay. Instead I ended up at Yale.”

You’ve got to be totally kidding me! Thanks to Norm Manetta and his reckless, PC no-profiling policies at the Department of Transportation, this terrorist mouthpiece applied for and actually received a visa to this country? I’m a Bush fan in principle but, in that particular instance, he was a spineless half-wit to have bowed to the Democrats and non-existent bipartisanship, by appointing a liberal Clinton holdover as Transportation Secretary. C’mon ‘W’, you won, act like a winner!

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