Thursday, April 13, 2006

Three Heads


You can’t make this stuff up! UPI reports from Mumbai, India that [residents of a Mumbai neighborhood have been staying indoors after dark because of fear of a three-headed woman bringing death…she goes after babies and small children and looking into her eyes is said to bring death…many residents have chalked the name of Lord Ram on their doors believing that he is an incarnation of Vishnu the Preserver.]

Three-headed women, Lord Ram, Vishnu the Preserver…is there a long lost J.R.R.Tolkein book they’re reading over there that we don’t know about? It’s funny how the largest Democracy on Earth, which produces highly educated and talented programmers and scientists by the thousands, can also give rise to back-woods nonsense like this. Then again some Puerto Ricans believe in the Chupacabra and some residents of the Pacific Northwest believe in Sasquatch. I guess every culture needs to invent boogiemen now and then. Come to think of it, we haven’t had a good boogieman myth to scare everybody in this country in a long time. But then again, with Al Gore and John Kerry getting a few hanging chads away from the Presidency, and now with Hillary craving higher office, who needs to make up nightmarish urban legends?

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