Thursday, April 13, 2006

Let the Ball roll!

Let the Ball roll!

With a well-heeled Iraq, and a quiet North Korea for now, the attention of the U.S. has turned to the gathering nuclear threat in Iran. That radical jihadist of a president is pressing forward with his state’s nuclear power program. In a recent IAEA board meeting, U.S. delegate Gregory Schulte said that the 85 tons of feedstock uranium gas already produced by Iran “if enriched, could produce enough material for about 10 nuclear weapons”.

In response to suggestions that the 5 permanent members of the U.N. Security Council consider sanctions, Iran’s delegate bravely challenged, “The United States has the power to cause harm and pain but the U.S. is also susceptible to harm and pain. So if that is the path that the U.S. wishes to choose, let the ball roll.”

Do you think he really said, “…let the ball roll”? That’s like hopping down into to the grizzly bear cage at the zoo and poking him with a sharp stick. It’s mighty big talk for the representative of an unproductive, third-world, cat box populated by hashish-addicted, zealots who drive around all day in Toyota pick-up trucks shooting their guns and mistreating their women. I wouldn’t be surprised if a Daisy Cutter found it’s way to his house the night the carpet-bombing starts.

He mentioned harm and pain…perhaps he’s unfamiliar with harm and pain’s friends, Shock and Awe. Obviously some folks around the world have short memories and might need a gentle reminder of the peril one risks by directing bully-boy rhetoric, coupled with nuclear weapons production, toward the U.S. A precision-guided, tactical, nuclear strike on the Iranian president’s house should jog their memories.

If that doesn’t happen, once again, the abysmally useless and corrupt United Nations will fail to do anything about this threat because everybody at the U.N. resents the U.S. and hates Israel and would enjoy seeing one or both of us suffer. Russia and China will not sign on to any embargo or sanctions because they are big consumers of Iranian oil and value their trading relationship. The E.U. countries recognize the threat but won’t contribute to a solution lest they offend their resident Muslim populations who are still banging their spoons on their high-chairs about those stupid cartoons. So, no nation but the U.S. will stand up to protect Israel which means we or Israel will be forced to launch a strike on Iran’s nuclear sites if it looks like they’re close to successful development of WMD’s.

Arab country kicks sand in our face – the U.S. crushes them into oblivion…
Another Arab country threatens to kick sand in our face – the U.S. will crush them into oblivion…
Recognize a pattern here? It’s the Geo-Political Circle of Life in the post 9/11 world.

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