Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hecklers harass families of US soldiers killed in Iraq

Hecklers harass families of US soldiers killed in Iraq -

Forgive me for being unable to describe adequately the wickedness and depravity exhibited by these God-forsaken wretches:

Five women sang and danced as they held up signs saying "thank God for dead soldiers" at the funeral of an army sergeant who was killed by an Iraqi bomb. For them, it was the perfect way to spread God's word: America was being punished for tolerating homosexuality. The Westboro Baptist Church first gained national notoriety when they picketed the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a Wyoming student who was murdered in 1998 for being gay. They have since picketed the funerals of Frank Sinatra and Bill Clinton's mother, celebrated the terrorist attacks of September 11 as an act of God’s wrath, and have even targeted Santa Claus and the Ku Klux Klan. Founder Fred Phelps said he and his congregants are targeting the funerals because God's way of punishing an "evil nation" of "fags and fag enablers" is to "pick off its children."
"I don't have any sympathy for these parents. They're all going to hell," Phelps said. "The family's in pain because they haven't obeyed the Lord God."
The group is so outrageous that some among the extreme-right have speculated that Phelps is a plant aimed at giving the anti-gay movement a bad name, said Mark Potok, the director of the intelligence project at the Southern Poverty Law Center which tracks hate crimes. "I don't think they have any constituency beyond their own members - even the Nazis aren't interested," he said. "This man probably thinks more about gay sex than any other person in the United States of America and one can only guess at what that means," he said. "Many of the most homophobic people are deeply afraid that they might be gay."

First of all, I wish someone would explain to me the connection between US soldiers dying in Iraq and homosexuality, Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell notwithstanding. That they are doing this in God’s name is beyond blasphemous. Regardless, whatever is in store in the way of karma for these idiots is not nearly severe enough.

Secondly, does the Bible not teach tolerance? I don’t mean the politically correct kind. I mean the kind by which human beings may disagree with, or even be judgmental about, a person’s behavior, yet remain respectful of and compassionate toward that person as one of God’s children. Did Jesus ever rejoice in anyone’s discomfort, much less his or her grief about a lost loved one?

Third, these guys are so degenerate, even the Nazis can’t stomach them. I mean how loathsome do you have to be to get shunned by Nazis?

Fourth, reasonable Americans are for equal rights, period. We are not for preferential rights or discrimination based on orientation…just simple equality. That being said, the notion, while intriguing, that this half-wit Phelps is a plant by the gays to give the anti-gays a bad name, implies a conspiracy far too clever for the same ridiculous group that gave rise to the Village People. Besides, you cannot persuade even the stupidest person in the George Michael fan club to concoct a persona this hateful and then maintain it for years, just to make anti-gays look bad.

Lastly, Mark Potok nailed it: these morons are in greater denial about their latent homosexuality than Britney is about her parenting skills. Their only hope for eternity is to cling to that old axiom that goes something like, “God protects fools, children, mad dogs and Englishmen”…or something to that effect. Absent that, there’s a special place in you-know-where for this bunch.

1 comment:

  1. These people are a bunch of hypocritical morons, who have no clue what they are talking about. Ive only got one question for them: Do you guys even understand that America has no official religion?
