Thursday, April 20, 2006

Jesse Jackson to the rescue

As sure as the sun rises in the East and Ben Affleck's next film will tank, Jesse Jackson makes an appearance to stir up racial strife when it appears a black is the victim of whites. You never see him show up when a white person is the victim of black crime. Rather, he rationalizes the black on white crime by pointing to white-imposed poverty, blacks not getting a fair shake in white America, or the economic policies of Karl Rove and George Bush being the source of all racial inequality in the modern world.

It's never that they may have put themselves in a bad situation or that we should wait and see what the evidence says. If there is a white boogie-man that Jesse can manufacture and then point to as the source of all the ills of the black population, he can extract money from them to fight the boogie-man.

I'd like to know when black people are going to stop listening to this racist, charlatan, shake-down artist and start listening to the few black people who actually care about the black population and it's future...Bill Cosby, Larry Elder, Walter Williams, or Thomas Sowell?

See, Jesse Jackson recognizes that it's easier for people to accept their situations, no matter how pitiful, if they can believe that it's not their fault...that somebody did this to them and there's nothing they can do about it but give Jesse money to fight the man.

Jesse made his trip to North Carolina last week to announce that he would be paying for this girl's education. That's great and he deserves credit for doing that, but as it turns out, the evidence against these two lacrosse players is quickly unraveling and there may not be a victim of any crime.

On the other hand they may turn out to be guilty. The point is nobody knows yet so the media should stop assuming these two kids are rapists until all the evidence is in.

The media, and Jesse Jackson, can't help themselves. It's too tempting a story and it fits one of their favorite templates which is (privileged white kids rape a struggling black student). Nothing makes the self-serving liberal media in this country feel more magnanimous than to pretend they are fighting for the underdog, or in this case the downtrodden minority against the white upperclass.

I thought the media was in the business of reporting the news, not assuming the role of advocate for the little guy. Sometimes the little guy is the bad guy...but never to the liberal main-stream media.

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