Thursday, April 20, 2006


Mission Impossible star Cruise vows to eat placenta after birth
By Patrick Mulchrone
TOM Cruise yesterday revealed his latest bizarre eat his new baby's placenta.
Cruise vowed he would tuck in straight after girlfriend Katie Holmes gives birth, saying he thought it would be "very nutritious".

I'm at a complete loss as to what to say about this.

But what's more interesting is Katie. She must be completely brainwashed and under Tom's control from this Scientology gobble-de-gook. I mean look at any picture of them. They're not together, she's in tow, being led around because obviously she has no autonomy...Tom and the Church of Scientology have total control over her. She's always got that vacant smile which cries out, "somebody intervene and get me out of this". It's no wonder her father is livid about her being with Tom the placenta eating freak!

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