Everybody knows the heroic story of Todd Beamer and the guys on flight 93 on 9/11 who realized that the high-jackers were going to crash their plane into something in Washington(many believe it was the WhiteHouse or Congress). Beamer and the guys organized themselves and launched an incredibly brave attack and foiled the plot. In doing so, their plane crashed into a field in Shanksville, PA. Rightfully, a memorial should be erected there to commemorate their bravery against the savagery that marks radical Islam. Well, take a look at the picture, read the caption ,and then tell me if it is a fitting tribute to their bravery...
Green circle was obtained from the Salat Times utility at Islam.com. It shows the direction to Mecca from Somerset PA. The red arrow shows that a person standing halfway between the tips of the giant crescent and facing into the center of the crescent is facing almost exactly at Mecca. The meaning? A crescent that Muslims face into to face Mecca is called a mihrab and is the central feature around which every mosque is built. (Everything you see in this graphic remains completely intact in the superficially altered Bowl of Embrace redesign.)If you want to take a closer, in depth look at this outrage, go
here, and read about the number of lives lost according to the memorial is not the American passengers, but it's the passengers plus terrorists who are remembered fondly....absolutely unbelievable!!!
This is probably the most ridiculous thing ive ever seen. Why would we want to commemorate terrorists, did you find this at CNN? They just love this kind of thing, and it looks like just the thing they would come up with. If you want a good memorial for those men aboard Flight 93, this is definitely not the way to go about it.
No, this is the actual design that is being planned. Unless somebody objects in a strong way, this will be the memorial for flight 93.
A memorial to the frickin' terrorists!
Support your local Jihad. Erect a monument to their cowardly actions and to their lack of national support. Send these people home in body bags before somebody else dies. This is not only stupid it is shameful on the politicians for allowing this to happen. Woe unto them!
I live about 40 miles away from the memorial and this has been on the news and in the papers a lot lately thanks to Mr. Rawls! Sadly, most people seem to think there is no intentional attempt to memorialize the terrorists. When you look at the proof, how can you deny it? Maybe the families just want a memorial so badly that they are willing to over look the "coincidences". I don't know.....
I heard this morning on FOX news that the families have a fund with which they want to buy the land and do their own memorial. If there was ever a worthy cause to donate to, this would be one.
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