WASHINGTON - The nation's lowest-paid workers will soon find extra money in their pockets as the minimum wage rises 70 cents to $5.85 an hour on Tuesday, the first increase in a decade.
Look you bleeding-heart, guilty, liberal, white people, entry level jobs aren't there to support a family of four as disingenous democrats would have you believe. If you are trying to support a family of four by cooking hamburgers at McDonald's, then you are both stupid and incompetent. You're stupid for not finishing high-school and for reproducing children you cannot afford. And you're incompetent for being such a bad employee that your boss won't give you a raise.
Entry level jobs exist for many reasons, none of which include making a living. FIrst and foremost, they exist because employers need basic unskilled labor to perform menial tasks that a monkey can be trained to do. It is of benefit to young people because they can learn job responsibility, diligence, establish a sound work ethic, learn new skills, establish work-place contacts and references, and prove their worth to their employer, thus earning a deserved pay raise.
Statistically, only 3% of entry-level, minimum-wage employees are still making minimum wage six months later. If you are even moderately competent, demonstrate work ethic, a willingness to learn, and personal responsibility, your boss will recongnize your value to his business and give you a raise to keep you from taking a higher paying job elsewhere. That's how the labor market should work.
When sniveling democrats impose a minimum wage on the market, employers can afford fewer employees. The result of a minmum wage increase is that fewer young workers will be able to find starter jobs where they can hone their labor skills. The result of that, is we have more unemployed young people on the public dole. This is a double win for socialist democrats as they get to preen in front of the cameras about how much they care about poor people, while at the same time creating more of them.

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