Thursday, August 02, 2018

The sad decline of Scandinavia

Nothing brings a tear to the eye and a sniffle to the nose of a dopey liberal than hearing the term, "unaccompanied child refugee", especially when one obediently weeps on cue and gets plastered on the evening news.
In Norway, a "child refugee" from Afghanistan, got all stabby in a grocery store and killed 18-year-old Havard Pederson. The asylum seeker, as they are referred to, is supposedly 17 but his real age is anybody's guess as Norway knows nothing about the wave of "refugees" shambling ashore to displace its population.
Norwegians don't generally emigrate to Afghanistan, because who wants to live in a third-world hellhole? Yet the Norwegian government Is deliberately importing violent, decrepit, middle east culture to their previously civilized country.
Good luck with that, fellas.

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