Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Makensie Noland shows that a college degree doesn't make you smart

Meet Makenzie Noland, likely future amputee or meal for this 14 foot alligator named Big Tex. 

She is a student at Texas A&M and works at the gator sanctuary where Big Tex lives. She ridiculously claims that she's bonded with most of the 450 gators at the sanctuary and posing with Big Tex for her graduation pic is perfectly safe. 

Heh heh heh, you may bond with them, but reptiles are incapable of bonding with you. To them you are either a food source, food yourself, or a predator. You are not their friend. 

The next story we read will be a eulogy about how she was taken from us so young in life....{{sniff sniff}}. 

Here's Makenzie letting Big Tex get a sniff of what's on the menu and posing with her ring on his nose. The bottom pic is probably the last thing Makenzie will see if she keeps it up. 

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