Saturday, November 26, 2016

Fidel "not surprised" to find self in Hell this morning

An exclusive interview by the Miami Herald revealed that murderous, thug dictator Fidel Castro reportedly "not all that surprised" to find self in Hell this morning.
When asked what he thought of burning in the fiery pits for all eternity, Castro shrugged and added, "Meh, ees a small price to pay for the joy of being a pain in the ass of the running-dog, capitalist, American peegs for 50 years".


  1. I recognize that this post is tongue-in-cheek satire, and I found it amusing. But let me seize on the mention of Hell as an excuse to remind readers that Hell (in the sense the word is used here) does not exist. Moreover nobody, not even Hillary Clinton, will roast for all eternity. Or roast at all, for that matter. Sad but true.

  2. I think we've touched on this in a previous thread, but at the risk of getting something started, what do you mean by there is no Hell? I know you said before that the Bible never mentions it, but are you saying that Hell is just a convenient construct by establishment religions to keep the people in fear and therefor obedient and most importantly, generous?

    That makes sense from a human nature standpoint, but the concept of Helll has endured for almost all religions. Either there's something to it, or it's the biggest scam perpetrated on man, ever.

  3. What about Ezekiel 31, 16-17? That OT verse seems pretty clear.

  4. "What about Ezekiel 31, 16-17?"

    I don't see any sentient humans roasting on spits with rendered fat causing periodic flareups as it drips onto open flames. Am I overlooking something here?

    I made the nations tremble at the sound of its fall when I brought it down to the realm of the DEAD to be with those who go down to the pit [i.e. cistern]. Then all the trees of Eden, the choicest and best of Lebanon, the well-watered trees, were consoled in the earth below.

    They too, like the great cedar, had gone down to the realm of the DEAD, to those KILLED by the sword, along with the armed men who lived in its shade among the nations.

  5. So your point is that there is no concept of hell in the old Hebrew language or in the Greek, so any references are concocted by the "church" to keep people in line?

  6. My point is that there are four words translated "hell" in the KJV, none of which refer to a place where "sinners" are tortured for all eternity. Furthermore, there is no doctrine of eternal torture taught anywhere in Scripture. (As far as what preachers say and do to keep their flocks in line, I will leave that discussion for another day.)

  7. Debate as we might, we cannot come to a decision on the existence of a true "hell", but we can debate the undoubtable interests the church has in scaring the people into attending and most importantly, tithing to church to keep themselve out of hell. That's a very interesting topic to me.

    Whether there's a hell or not, we will never know until we die.

  8. "...we will never know until we die."

    I don't understand that comment at all, Ed. We have available to us an authoritative handbook on the subject. That handbook is not the least bit ambiguous where the subject is concerned. It speaks to the subject over and over and every reference jibes with all the other references. All it takes to know is to look. Now, while you may not have researched the subject, others have. The result is that a number of Bible translations do not even contain the word "hell."

  9. Every Bible iteration, and there have been scores, has been filtered through the calculating brains of men to suit the agenda of the "church", no?

  10. What would you consider a reliable resource for accurately determining Christian doctrine as intended by the Creator, Ed?

  11. Given that men wrote them all, and being exceedingly cynical, I have to take all of them with a grain of salt and rely instead on my own sense of logic combined with my personal faith.

    People often accuse me of blasphemy for questioning God's word and intent for us, but if you/they accept that God created us as we are, then you must also accept that as designed, we as a species are almost fatally curious as to our origins, purpose, and fate after death. We were made by Him to wonder about these things and to investigate and discuss them.
