Wednesday, November 30, 2016

"Arrival" -- a movie review

Edward's movie review.......
Just saw the cerebral, sci-fi alien flick "Arrival" with Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner. I followed it fine, or at least thought I had, right up until the last 5 minutes, then it took me the entire ride home to work out what I'd just seen.
Without giving anything away, Arrival follows the usual Hollywood aliens-visit-Earth tropes......we can't communicate, armies are arrayed, fear and loathing are the rule of the day because comparatively unevolved humans aren't capable of anything but killing what we don't understand, blah blah blah.
It departs from typical alien movies by cleverly weaving into the main plot, the sub-plot which addresses personal choices and knowing one's own future.
I recommend it and would enjoy hearing any thoughts you have on the sub-plot.


  1. Good movie made better after you understand it. My wife had to explain it to me on the ride home. I'm too much of a linear thinker I suppose.

  2. Me too, it took me a while to finally wrap my head around what I'd just seen. Definitely not for the 17-24 year old male demographic most movies are made for. Requires too much thinking.

  3. Definitely not for the 17-24 year old male ...."

    ...or your average voter.

  4. Thankfully, I'm not your average voter or your average movie fan. I'd say I'm slightly-to-well above average on both counts.

  5. "Welcome to Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average."

  6. Not a fan, but that Garrison Keillor intro echoed in my head as I wrote that last comment.
