Tuesday, March 29, 2016

iPhones, apparently now hackable

So the FBI finally got into the iPhone belonging to the dead San Bernardino shooter, with the help of a "third party", which probably means a pimply-faced, 17 year old, gamer who's forgotten more about hacking than the entire US government ever knew.
Here's how I imagine the converstation went down between Apple and the FBI:
FBI: Hey Apple, how's about helping us hack into your iPhone?
Apple: Um, no.
FBI: Hey Apple, we hacked your iPhone anyway so never mind
Apple: Hey FBI, how's about telling us how you did that?
FBI: Um, no.
Heh heh heh. I was on Apple's side, but that's still funny.


  1. "...with the help of a "third party", which probably means..." the Mossad.

  2. WHAT? Isaac, while the Jews may have a hand in some nefarious goings-on here and there, there isn't a hand-wringing evil Joo behind every bush. What in the world suggests to you that a dirty Jew helped the FBI hack an iPhone?

  3. “Cellebrite, a privately held Israeli company that specializes in transferring or extracting data from phones, is helping the FBI unlock the iPhone, according to a report in the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper on Wednesday. If its method is successful, the FBI will no longer need Apple's help with the iPhone….”

    (source: “FBI's iPhone hack may come from Israeli security firm”, http://www.cnet.com/news/fbis-iphone-hack-help-may-come-from-israeli-security-firm/)

  4. That may be, but the initial reports were that it was a third-party individual.....of course I trust the media about as much as I trust anybody in government so perhaps you are right.

    If so, so what? I imagine the Mossad has a vested interest in helping us stop Islamic terrorism, so I don't mind.
