Monday, February 15, 2016

Karma comes fast when you're an ISIS terrorist

An ironic beheading, and therefor hilarious beheading, of an ISIS leader: Apparently a hotshot British sniper used this new DAN .338 bolt action sniper rifle from IWI-- (hat tip to regular reader Bill for pointing out that IWI is an Israeli manufacturer, thus making this beheading that much more ironic) --at a range of 1000 meters, to behead an ISIS leader who was teaching 20 ISIS recruits how to behead somebody. Heh heh heh.

According to a spotter, the body stood for a second or two then fell, headless. Then all the recruits ran away at high speed screaming, effectively eliminating 21 terrorists with one bullet.

Apparently this kill was done using the Lapua Magnum .338 that tumbles toward the target and just obliterates it. It was the same round that Brit sniper Craig Harrison used to set the combat sniper distance record at 2,475 meters back in 2009.

Those Brits are bad asses.


  1. The fact that it was an Israeli rifle makes this even funnier.

    "Why did his head explode? New suicide necklace?

  2. My understanding of the ballistics is this: "Hydrostatic shock" is apparently the cause of death as the Lapua Magnum .338 round "tumbles" toward the target and on impact, displaces through kinetic energy discharge, all the liquid and soft tissue within a sphere of about 6 inches in radius. As you can imagine, a hole that big anywhere in your body would kill you, and if that hole is where your neck used to be, you are now headless. Heh heh.

  3. Yeah Bill, I forgot to mention the IWI is Israeli made. That makes it still better. Maybe I'll go back and include that in the text.

  4. I meant my questions to be words from the mouths of the student beheaders. I imagine the sound of the shot wasn't heard by the witnesses.

  5. Wiki says the .338 Lapua is a necked down .416 Rigby, which is a serious big game cartridge. The Brits are said to over-pressure their loads to achieve over 3000 fps.

  6. I think the article said the DAN was suppressed, so that dude's head just sort of silently disappeared. I get the students' terror, having witnessed that. Heh heh.

  7. A friend shoots long range matches at places like Camp Perry. He hand loads, measuring powder by the grain for consistency. I imagine the Brit armorers do the same, The skill required to do this is awe inspiring.

  8. I asked myself, what would make a bullet "tumble when fired from a rifled barrel with six grooves and a 1 in 10 inch twist specifically designed to stabilize that very bullet? So I Googled "Does a Lapua Magnum bullet tumble?"
