Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Islam's contribution to the modern world......agitation and darkness

For anybody who still believes that Islam plays a contributory role in the advancement of the human condition from one of darkness and primitive misery to one of modernity and achievement, I believe this helpful graphic aptly sums it up........


  1. Ed,
    Hilarious! Funniest thing I've seen today.

  2. Out of curiosity, Ed, what has been your personal "contributory role in the advancement of the human condition"?

  3. As a white person of European descent, virtually everything.

  4. I could not help but notice that you avoided answering the question, Ed. Embarrassed, are you, that you, PERSONALLY, have made no "contributory role in the advancement of the human condition"?

  5. Not true Isaac. My 32 years of work in medical research at UAB as an electron microscopist was indeed a contribution. At one time or another I've worked on the fundamental understanding of scores of diseases and disorders that directly affect the human condition, from cancer to synaptic plasticity, from Alzheimers to heart disease, from muscular dystrophy to cystic fibrosis.


  6. "Worked on" I understand. Did you, personally, accomplish any breakthroughs equivalent to those shown in your graphic?

  7. Hahahaha, nice try at parsing there Isaac, but the difference is here in the West, we all play a role in the improvement of the condition of man in general while in the Islamic world, they remain pretty much mired in 7th century thinking and advancement, except for that which we share with them.

    what's the last serious scientific paper published by a Muslim or to which a Muslim contributed intellectually, not from a school in the West?

  8. So tell us Isaac, what have you done for God, country, and the betterment of man?

  9. Absolutely nothing. (Except to stand up against bullies, tyrants, liars and pseudo-Christian chauvinists.)

  10. If you had said, "bullies, tyrants, liars, and pseudo-religious chauvinists", you'd have been describing the purveyors of Islam, those you purport to defend.

    But I'm guessing the irony of that is completely lost on you.
