Sunday, January 17, 2016

Islam, a skid mark on modern civilization

So apparently recent Muslim colonists in Europe are having to be told where to wash themselves and where to take dumps. It seems they get the two confused.

Are Muslims so backward that they don't know not to shit where they clean themselves? They are also being given sexual behavior classes where they're surprised to learn that it's not OK to rape whatever white women they feel like raping.

Every evolved citizen where Muslims are being settled, should walk around with a rolled up newspaper to beat them with. At the very least maybe we should reconsider letting them colonize our modern civilizations.

Churchill was correct, "Islam in a man is like rabies in a dog."


  1. "Are Muslims so backward that they don't know not to shit where they clean themselves?"

    My wife works in a library. She tells me that library patrons have urinated and defecated on bookshelves, on the floor and in the elevator. They also have spread feces on the bathroom walls.

    Which of the following sentences most accurately communicates those facts.

    A: "Library patrons are so backward that they don't know not to shit and piss where they read."

    B: "Some library patrons are so backward that they don't know not to shit and piss where they read."

  2. The library patrons are vandals, probably dumb kids. And incidentally, your wife should find another part of the city in which to work. Just sayin'.

    The Muslims simply don't know any better.

  3. I will tell Dr. Oz what you just said about him and all of his coreligionists and I will let you know his response (unless it is profanity laced).

  4. The ones who already live here have basic modern hygiene practices. It's the immigrants who are being disgusting.

  5. Absolutely true, Ed. The conduct, manners and beliefs of SOME Muslims are disgusting.

    That is why you come across as bigoted, shallow and vile when you tar ALL Muslims with the same brush.

    [I hold no brief for Muslims. I suspect that I would not like to be around most of them (Dr. Oz included). I am, however, a stickler for accuracy, truth and honesty.]

  6. If you'd taken time to notice Isaac, I began my post with "recent colonists". Clearly I don't think all Muslims are unevolved animals, just some of the ones who're colonizing the West in recent months.

  7. I love it when a troll gets trolled. Good job, Ed!

  8. One way to cure a dog of shitting on the floor is to rub its nose in its "offering."

    "Are SOME Muslims so backward that they don't know not to shit where they clean themselves?"

  9. The Germans didn't just put those signs up for fun and giggles. Obviously they're having a widespread problem if it warrants signage.

  10. Just out of curiosity, Ed, if Islam is a skid mark on modern civilization, what is Israel?

    UK Doctors Uncover Proof Of Israeli Hospitals Torturing Palestinians

    Doctors in the UK have urged the World Medical Association (WMA) to ban Israel following revelations that doctors in Israeli hospitals routinely torture Palestinian patients seeking treatment.

  11. If you don't know the answer to that question, Ed, perhaps you know the answer to this one. It is easier.

    Q. Who wrote the following, a Muslim or a Jew: "Ours is not a religion of peace and our God demands vengeance and ethnic cleansing."

    A. Anshel Pfeffer, writing in Haaretz.

  12. So maybe some Jew said that at some point. But it's the Muslims who've put that sentiment into practice all over the world, no?

  13. The only peoples who have put that sentiment into practice all over the world is "Christian" America.
