Friday, January 08, 2016

Another Islamic terrorism fail

In Phily a gunman charged a police car and fired 13 shots at the officer inside from essentially point-blank range, but only hit him in the arm 3 times. The officer will be fine. 

Predictably, the news wondered if it MAY HAVE BEEN Islamic terror. But I can tell you right quick that it was a crazed Muslim terrorists, just by the shot count and by looking at the picture:

First, only an incompetent Muslim terrorist can fire 13 shots and not kill somebody. I mean that's just embarrassing. He'll probably get shived in prison by other Muslims for humiliating them. 

Second: whe else wears a dirty night shirt to commit an act of terror by murdering a cop? 


  1. The mayor of Philadelphia assures us that this crime had nothing to do with Islam. Move along; nothing to see here.

  2. Nothing to do with Islam? Is he out of his mind? All you need to do is look at this one picture and case closed.

  3. The mayor claims to understand Islam better than its adherents. Typical.

  4. I give thanks to the only and real God for preserving that officer's life. Unbelievable!

  5. "...only an incompetent Muslim terrorist can fire 13 shots and not kill somebody."

    Not true. Police exhibit that level of marksmanship all the time. Not long ago there was a scrum of policemen who emptied their service weapons, reloaded and emptied them again. Not only did most or all the rounds miss the perps, many of the shots also missed the (stopped) car the perps were in.

  6. I am curious about something, Bill. If you are a follower of the "only and real God", why don't you ever upbraid Ed for his Muslim bashing? Isn't his Muslim bashing contrary to both the letter and the spirit of the teachings of the "only and real God"?

  7. Isaac, being a follower of a religion doesn't mean you cannot be a critic of bad behavior.

  8. "...doesn't mean you cannot be a critic of bad behavior."

    You silly, silly man. No one has faulted you for being critical of bad behavior.

  9. Ok if you want to split hairs, then faulted me for being critical of Islam-inspired bad behavior.

  10. Oh? Help me out here. What part of the next item, "Muslim Nobel laureates, few and far between", relates to "Islam-inspired bad behavior"?

  11. How about their collective, willful decision to revert to the 7th century in terms of standard of living and education to the point that they contribute nothing to the advancement of civilization. How can that be anything but bad?

  12. "...7th century in terms of standard of living and education...."

    Be more specific for us, Ed. To which of Iran's nuclear physicists are you referring?

  13. The Iranian "scientists" didn't develop from scratch nuclear technology. Most likely, just like the Chinese, they stole it from us or bought it from Russia, who stole it from us.

    Iran doesn't have a nuclear program, they have a theft program.

  14. It turns out that I owe you an apology, Ed. I spoke with Dr. Ali Akbar Salehi, head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to cardiothoracic surgeon and TV personality, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and to Civil Rights Lawyer, Amal Clooney (wife of George Clooney), and they all said that you are right. They only have a 7th century education.

    When I read your comments to Dr. Salehi he praised your wisdom and he called me, quote, a “dumb shit” for thinking that any Muslim has more than a 7th century education.

    Dr. Salehi also says that all the decisions in the Iranian nuclear program are made by examining camel dung and chicken entrails.

    I stand corrected. Please accept my apologies.

  15. Now now Isaac, I appreciate sarcasm as much as the next guy, but I sense a tinge of anger in yours.

    I never said ALL, every single Muslim, is an illiterate, mouth-breathing reprobate, just most of them.

    Sure, there are some educated Muslims, but at what minuscule percentage of their over 1 Billion population are they educated? It is against Sharia for women to be you call that advanced or reverted?
