Friday, December 18, 2015

This meme should be "ugly Americans"

Saw this stupid meme going around on Facebook this morning. Did anybody spot the mistake, I mean other than the fact that airport coffee is at least $7, $4.75 is laughably low?

Clue: these guys aren't Muslims, they're most likely Sikhs. And this redneck who thinks he's photo-bombing Muslims is a retard.

Look, if you're going to hate-crime some Muslims, make bloody sure they're Muslim.


  1. I googled "Sikh men" and I did not see this kind of headgear in any of the images.

    1. Googled now an expert. Newsflash. Yes, they are Sikh. You will never find an American Muslims in a turban, maybe a doctor's surgical mask?

  2. Yeah, it was my best guess. I doubt they are jihadists though, their night shirts are clean and too long, plus they're wearing sneakers. I don't recall seeing any mouthy Muslims screaming at the TV cameras in sneakers.

    What do you think they are?

  3. "their night shirts are clean" too funny!

  4. 99 % of the people who wear Turbans in North America are Sikhs. Sikhs wear turbans and outfits of different kinds, they are not alike. If you see a guy in Turban, there are 99% chance he is a sikh. Just walk up to him and ask him. These gentlemen are all Sikhs and belong to "Kirtan Jhatha" which means they sing hymns in Temples. There are still lot of ignorant people who have no clue about differences between Muslims and Sikhs. Sikhs are the ones who saved Hindus from forced conversion to Islam. If anyone knows any history about Sikhs they would know.
