Thursday, December 31, 2015

Europe finally wises up

Sweden has accepted far more Syrian refugees than any other country, but even they are reaching their limits. There's just no where to house and feed them and the government is under pressure from citizens to stop the flood of people before they collapse the welfare systems.

The fear is that with Sweden closing its border to middle east refugees, other EU nations will follow suit, fearing all those people will end up in their country, having no place else to go.

My question is, why aren't Arabic, middle east countries taking all these "refugees"?

It is apparent to me that with the help of quisling government leftists in western nations, including the US, there is an Islamic diaspora under way by which massive floods of indigent peasants who have no desire to embrace the language or cultures of their host countries, colonize the infidel west by establishing Islamic strongholds there.

Now, it may not be that each refugee individually has a hidden agenda of hostile colonization and conversion, but the other Arabic countries and certainly treasonous western leaders who invite them in, do and are using this Syrian crisis to achieve their goals. The EU leaders are simply too dumb and naive to understand that these people will not become Swedes, Germans, or Dutch and that they will demand that their host countries adapt to them instead while demanding ever more charity from them.

As for the US, we aren't dumb or naive, our reasons are numerous, varied, and intentional. Obama is clearly hostile to the US and despises this nation for its past colonial sins and of course for slavery and he wants to take us down a notch as punishment. By flooding the system with third-world colonists by the hundreds of thousands, he puts extreme pressure on the welfare machine. The Cloward-Piven strategy dictates that this is the first step toward collapsing the system altogether. Collapse would be Obama's long term goal if he could achieve it, but in the short term, I think he believes the US became rich by taking advantage of poor countries and as retribution, our wealth must be forcibly shared with poorer nations, whether in the form of aid or by inviting them to take advantage of it here. The refugee situation in Syria just provides an opportunity to do so.

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