Thursday, November 19, 2015

The rise of ISIS stubbornly didn't fit the Obama narrative for Islam

Lt General Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, reported that the Obama administration ignored reports that warned of a rising radical sect called ISIS, because a violent, extremist Muslim organization in the middle east didn't fit Obama's ridiculous Arab-Spring narrative.

In every country where the US had deposed an evil, barbaric dictator, ISIS or the Muslim Brotherhood(essentially one and the same) has taken control and turned a functioning nation into a shithole of lawlessness, genocide, and savagery in the name of an abhorrent cult the media tells us to regard as a religion.

Obama's legacy may well be the purposeful and complete dissolution of the middle east into a dark, primitive cesspool of despair and suffering.

1 comment:

  1. "Obama's legacy may well be the purposeful and complete dissolution of the middle east into a dark, primitive cesspool of despair and suffering."

    In other words, the Project for a New American Century in living color.
