Monday, August 03, 2015

Obama promised to side with Islam, and we elected him anyway

What bizarro world is this where our esteemed leaders (Obama and Kerry) sit down to make a deal with an enemy who's sworn to destroy us, but initiates the criminal prosecution of a military officer who used a gun to defend himself and others from a terrorist in Chattanooga, because it happened in a recruiting office, which is a jihadist's carnival shooting gallery with the Orwellian label "gun-free zone"?

The answer is as simple as it is obvious, we stupidly allowed the treasonous media to install an anti-American leftist, who cares far more deeply about protecting the deranged ideology of Islam from criticism than protecting American servicemen from harm, into the presidency.

In the picture above, who does Obama identify with more, Abdulazeez or Cmdr. White?


  1. Up until now I had supposed one or two of the dead heroes engaged the terrorist with a personal weapon. I find it hard to imagine that a court martial would find Cmdr. White guilty of anything, but fully expect Obama and his highly political SecNav Ray Mabus to bring charges. He should instead be awarded a medal.

    "Gun-free zone" is synonymous with "victim zone."

  2. " enemy who's sworn to destroy us...."

    I'm curious, Ed. Who has sworn to destroy us? (You don't say in your post.) Please quote chapter and verse so that I can look it up, O.K.? Many thanks.

  3. Um Isaac, there's only one country where "Death to America" is chanted by many aligned with the current government there, and that's Iran.


  4. Considering how badly we have screwed their country over I would be shocked if the Iranians did not want us "dead". But wanting us dead and swearing to be the ones to do it are two entirely different things. Has Iran "sworn to destroy us" themselves? (Again, chapter and verse, por favor.)

  5. Isaac, who underwrites and inspires most of the terrorist activity in the modern world? Iran and maybe the Saudi's, but definitely Iran and most of it is directed at the west, and the west means the US.

  6. Ah, just as I thought. "...sworn to destroy us...." was just more of your bombastic hyperbole.

  7. What does "Death to America" mean to you?
