Sunday, August 09, 2015

Hiker, not smarter than the average bear

I guess it's "Humans get themselves attacked by wild carnivores" day.
Everybody knows there are as many as 900 grizzly bears in Yellowstone so why you would wander off by yourself there is anybody's guess.
Some guy hiked right into an area where a female grizzly and at least one cub were hanging predictably, they ate him for lunch.
Now, officials are hoping to find the grizzlies so they can euthanize them. Seriously? The grizzlies were just doing what grizzlies do.
Again, let this be a lesson to you idiots who like to walk around by yourselves in wilderness known to be occupied by several species of large, wild's dangerous and you might get eaten for lunch!


  1. This is actually a pretty sad tale, Ed. The guy worked at one of the urgent care centers at the park and is described as an "experienced hiker." He ran into a female with at least one cub. There's no word if he had or tried to use pepper spray. Making plenty of noise is also highly recommended. A pistol might make you feel better, but the bear would probably just be even madder when she killed you. One of my buddies lives nearby and filled me in.

    I think he got complacent. This is not in the category of jumping into a gator pond or handling deadly snakes.

    I am pretty sure they try to euthanize a man killer because the bear may decide she likes it and start hunting. Let's not forget who lives at who's sufferance on our planet.

  2. Ed,
    I think there maybe enough of this fodder to support an entire blog!

  3. David, I've thought of doing a side blog on just this subject, but people might brand me a thoughtless asshole......true though that may be.;-)

    Bill, my feeling is that when we go into a wild carnivore's natural habitat and get eaten, that's part of the deal. Also, is there any evidence that bears suddenly become man-killers when they get a taste of human blood.....sounds like an old-wives tale to me.

  4. Bears and other predators that lose their fear of humans have been known to be unusually dangerous for centuries. That's why feeding black bears in the Southeast and elsewhere is a death sentence for the bears.

    Should we all just stay in our cities and experience nature through You-Tube?

  5. Not necessarily, but if conservation is really the object, then the occassional mauling is part of it. Don't kill the animal.

    If this bear suddently developes a craving for human blood and rampages through an outlet mall killing humans for sport, then yeah, kill it. But it was just doing what bears do.


  6. "If this bear suddently developes a craving for human blood and rampages through an outlet mall killing humans for sport, then yeah, kill it. But it was just doing what bears do."

    But first s lengthy trial!

  7. They think they've found the bear and one cub. They are searching for the second cub. All three may be killed! Ludicrous.
