Monday, July 06, 2015

Matt Taylor and his shirt are better than feminists

Remember Matt Taylor? He's the brilliant scientist who successfully landed a space ship the size of a shoebox on a comet hurdling through space at like a Mazillion miles an hour. He was the toast of astrophysics, that is until some delicate feminist harpies got the vapors over his sleeve tatts and outrageous shirt featuring partially naked women in a dungeons and dragons theme, in a TV interview. Over night, he became the poster boy for the imaginary war-on-women.
Well, looks like Matt may get the last laugh. His craft has picked up what may be evidence of rudimentary viral "life" on the comet.
Heh heh, go dunk your heads feminists. The mere possibility of alien life trumps your adolescent persecution complex. And where can I order that fabulous shirt?


  1. One day, I don't know when, PC will collapse much like the French Revolution. The end for that came when people were starting to guillotine those who just days before had been sending others to the guillotine.

  2. Yeah, once you start eating your own, how legitimate is your movement?

  3. Seriously, the best thing is that Philae bouncing into the shadow of a cliff seems to have been serendipitously good. I have read that heat would have killed the lander by now if not shaded, while it now gets enough sun to recharge the batteries.

    Sometimes it pays to be lucky?
