Thursday, June 25, 2015

Screwed by John Roberts, again

So John Roberts very predictably upheld his previous back-stab of the American people, when he today voted with Anthony Kennedy to uphold the legality of state run exchanges. You'd have to be a dope to not know that Roberts would vote to support his previous vote.

Now there is a House bill that would compel the supreme justices and their staffs to sign up for Obamacare and buy their coverage on the exchanges like everybody else. Why not?

Should the supreme justices not have to be burdened by the same laws with which they burden us? I predict the republicans will be too timid to vote for it, but they should.


  1. The libs on the court are always reliable votes - no exceptions. This is just expected and accepted.

    The alleged conservatives seem to act ..... differently.

    Alito, Scalia, and Thomas seem to revere the Constitution.

  2. Yeah, it seems that John Roberts is running for "Most Popular Justice" or something, by appealing to the prevailing political winds at the time.

  3. But he's back to being an evil bigot today. What to think?

  4. He's an enigma. I cannot predict how he'll come down on any issue.
