Monday, June 01, 2015

Jen Psaki beclowns herself

Jen Psaki was so miserably inept at her job as State Dept. spokes-babe, Obama promoted her to White House communications director/babe. This weekend after "Gigolo" John Kerry broke his leg riding a bike in Paris and had to abandon the nuke talks with Iran, she tweeted this:
[I would love to see anyone at the hospital try to stop @JohnKerry from negotiating and working while recovering from breaking his leg.]
Because that's what busy hospital staff do when they're not saving lives, preventing Lurch from negotiating with Iran......and by negotiating I mean kissing the Ayatollahs' asses and giving them what they want


  1. If his accident delays the surrender to Iran by even days, some positive will come from it.

    I have not liked to see the gloating on some conservative sites (not your's) over this. It's no more attractive than when leftist sites exulted over Cheney heart troubles. Or, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, etc., etc. I have to say the level of viciousness so visible on the left was lacking from the right.

    Apparently he was on a TdF stage when he wrecked. Broken femur is bad for a 71 year old.

  2. ”…and by negotiating I mean kissing the Ayatollahs' asses and giving them what they want.”

    I think you misspoke, Ed. Kerry isn’t negotiating what the U.S. is going to GIVE Iran. He is negotiating what the U.S. is not going to TAKE from them (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness). That is to say, if the Ayatollahs will kiss American assess, the U.S. won’t hurt their country and their citizens more than we already have.

    That is all pretty presumptuous on our part in my opinion but, hey, I’m just a chump who believes in not meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.

  3. Isaac, we can revisit the issue of whether we have business shaping the nuclear hegemony Iran is busily establishing in the middle east, particularly as it pertains to Israel, but I would tire of rehashing that and you know what I think.

  4. Bill, if you remember in '07 when Bush fell off his bike after a grueling 17 mile rough-terrain ride, Kerry asked the media at a press conference, "Did the training wheels come off"?

    I think he deserves some karmic ridicule. Some people are disappointed that he didn't break his neck and I certainly don't wish him bad things, but I have to say the jokes are deserved.

  5. I didn't remember that insult, Ed. What a POS!

    Bush rides with disabled vets, too, not global elites.

  6. Psaki sure has a healthy set of ... uh ... pearls. Yeah, that's it, pearls.

  7. Yes Isaac, she does. If she's not going to be good at her propaganda job, at least she can wear tighter sweaters. :-)
