Sunday, May 17, 2015

Stop mistaking Sikh's for Muslim's

Because many ignorant, uneducated Americans react with emotions rather than thought, practitioners of the venerable Sikh faith often find themselves the victims of violence, having been stupidly mistaken for Muslims. As a rule, Sikh's must wear a turban at all times outside their homes and dumb Americans don't know the difference. 
Luckily this Sikh lives in New Zealand. He came to the aid of a child hit by a car outside his home and removed his turban to aid the child, possibly saving his life.
This guy's a hero, not a Muslim.


  1. Good point indeed Ed. Sadly, the yahoos who don't know the difference are more likely to be checking up on celebrity antics than reading your blog.

  2. "...victims of violence...."

    And why are Muslims in America victims of violence? Because there are those who, like Ed, unfairly and inexcusably demonize Muslims. Such are the fuse lighters. Tragic and wholly unnecessary violence is the result.

  3. Uh, speaking of tragic and wholly unnecessary violence Isaac, 9/11?

    'Nuff said.

  4. Uh, speaking of tragic and wholly unnecessary violence Isaac, 9/11?

    'Nuff said.

  5. I am glad you bring up 9/11, Ed. 9/11 illustrates just how easy it was for the Unseen to trick average Americans into supporting their phony War on Terror. All they had to do was kick the con off with a transparent false flag. People like you keep it going with your Muslim bashing.

  6. Isaac my friend, please reassure me that you're not a truther.....PLEASE!

    That said, I'm not blind to the knowledge that war is big money for American arms producers and that they agitate for it politically, at every opportunity, but we didn't engineer clandestinely, the attacks on 9/11. That's insane.

    Did generals in the pentagon neo-cons in the media, and bean counters in the defense industry revel in what they knew would be an extended engagement in the middle east as a result? Almost certainly, but they didn't cause it.

  7. Ed, you had to know he was a Troofer, didn't you?

  8. Only in 21st century America could an affinity for the truth be a pejorative term. Man the lifeboats!

  9. Ve demand you quit this discussion right this second!

  10. Spiraling into weirdness. Next topic.

  11. I will tell you what is weird, David. Otherwise intelligent people believing that two planes caused three steel-frame high rise buildings (one not even hit) to collapse at free-fall speed into their own footprint.

    Your next stop, the Twilight Zone.

  12. I just finished watching a 2012 speech by Patrick Clawson to the Washington Institute in which he tics off a handful of false flags that got the U.S. into various past wars. He then went on to advocate a false flag to get us into a new war, this time with Iran.

    If the U.S. has used false flags in the past, and if false flags are seen as legitimate strategies for the future, why is it so hard for some people to at least consider whether 9/11 MIGHT have been a false flag?

  13. Are you saying the planes didn't fly into the buildings? Who flew them, remote control CIA drone pilots? Who were the 21 Muslims they know were on board? No American would sacrifice his life like that.

    You sound like Rosie O'donnell claiming that never in history has steel melted from fire. How do you think steel is made? From fire.

  14. Read it again, Ed. " not even hit...."

    Three buildings collapsed at free-fall speed into their own footprint. WTC building #7 was not hit by a plane.

    Count planes on your left hand: one, two. Count fallen buildings on your right hand: one, two, three. Any questions?

  15. Sure, where do you think all the debris from the towers went as they collapsed into their footprint? All that material and energy had nowhere to go but laterally..... some of it into building 7 causing it to collapse as well, the physics of which are patently obvious to all sane people.

    Do you know how many people would have to be in on a conspiracy to rig a building that size to blow, clandestinely? Dozens at least. Do you really think all those people would or could keep that secret this long? Or are you going to now advise me that as with all conspiracies, the low-level conspirators have been murdered and families paid off or threatened not to say anything?

    You're a smart and thoughtful dude, but your trutherism belies a depravity and loss of grip on reality that is incomprehensible to me.

  16. "where do you think all the debris from the towers went as they collapsed into their footprint? All that material and energy had nowhere to go but laterally..... "

    Make up your mind, Ed. Did the three buildings fall into their own footprint or did they fly helter-skelter all over the place?

  17. "You sound like Rosie O'donnell claiming that never in history has steel melted from fire."

    I just finished viewing images of the burned-out hulks of cars and trucks. In none of the cases was the sheet metal melted. (Not girders, sheet metal!) In most cases the sheet metal wasn't even warped or buckled.

    Now a physics question. Which burns hotter?
    A) gasoline and tires
    B) aviation fuel (kerosene) and office furnishings

  18. "How do you think steel is made? From fire."

    "At furnace temperatures of about 1800 °C (3300°F), iron is molten and trickles down to collect in the base of the furnace, or hearth."
    (Kerrod, Robin. Macmillin Revised Encyclopedia of Science, 1997: 29)

    Now a physics question.
    At what temperature does aviation fuel (kerosene/lamp oil) burn?

  19. Isaac, you are right that a simple Av-fuel fire would not cause the steel girders to melt, but that's not how they were compromised. It was the impact of the jets that caused the initial damage to the steel structure, then the fire eliminated all supporting structure.

    When the top 10-12 floors settled by gravity down onto the floors below, that resultant force (mass x velocity) could not be supported by the floors below. That's why the buildings collapsed on themselves into their own footprint.

    There was no demolition, just physics.

  20. "It was the impact of the jets...."

    But building #7 was not hit by a jet. And no one (other than you) has suggested that flying debris from the other two buildings brought it down. So what caused/allowed #7 to collapse at free-fall speed (i.e. no resistance by lower floors to the floors falling from above)?

  21. I stated it because I'm the one with a little physics knowledge, common sense, and grasp of the obvious.

    Besides, if there was a government demolition conspiracy, and you're bringing down the twin towers, why bother with building #7? Do the twin towers not garner enough hatred of Muslims that you need a third smaller insignificant building to fall as well.

    The unnecessary-ness of that makes the conspiracy theory idiotic by itself.

  22. The scientists below know some physics, too, Ed. It is BECAUSE they know physics that they don't believe the official explanation for 9/11.


    Hummux Anax
    Stanley A. Beattie
    J. A. Blacker
    David S. Chandler
    Dane Dormio
    Timothy E. Eastman
    Freddy (Fred E.) Gardiol
    Crockette Grabbe
    Derrick P. Grimmer
    David Griscom
    William C. Hammel
    Graham Harris
    Arkadiusz Jadczyk
    Steven E. Jones
    Jan Kjellman
    Guthrie Miller
    Dennis Mitrzyk
    Josh Mitteldorf
    Terry Morrone
    John D. Wyndham

  23. I can list just as many "scientists" who believe in man-made global warming too. That doesn't prove anything.

  24. "That doesn't prove anything."

    Of course it does, Ed. It proves that you are dead wrong to think that all who doubt the official explanation of 9/11 are intellectually challenged.

  25. Isaac, it's not a question of my having blind, obedient faith in my government superiors. In fact, it's my belief that most people in government are essentially incompetent imbeciles(it's why they chose government self-service as a career) and couldn't pull off a conspiracy to commit jaywalking, much less rig the twin towers to blow up after arranging for two jets full of civilians to crash into them.

    You have a very disappointingly high opinion of the competence and abilities of our government overlords to believe they are clever enough to pull that off.

  26. "...most people in government are essentially incompetent imbeciles...."

    I agree but what is your point? Are you suggesting that because "our government overlords" don't have the necessary qualities to pull off a complex operation, nobody else does, either? Are there no smart, talented, and resourceful people in the world?

  27. Sure there are, but they don't want to invade Iraq on false pretenses as you truthers believe was the reason for 9/11.

    If not our government, then who? Don't tell me the Joooos did it under our noses.....really, Isaac? Really?

  28. I have to chuckle at you some times, Ed. You make such sweeping statements. It is as though you see yourself as the fountain of all knowledge.

    "...they don't want to...." Who are "they" of whom you speak? How do you know what everyone in the world wants and doesn't want to do?

    " truthers...." Aren't you silly to lump all "truthers" together? Is there really no difference in your mind between scientists, architects, engineers, professors and pilots at one end of the spectrum and social misfits living in their parents basement at the other?

    ...the Joooos...." No one knows who the false-flag co-conspirators were but YOU know, beyond dispute, that no Jews were involved. How do you know that? (BTW, I am surprised that a college educated man can't spell "Jews". /sarc)

  29. You're the truther Isaac, you tell me who executed 9/11 and why?

    I'm just taking stabs in the dark trying to figure that out. If not the Jews colluding with the American government, then who?

  30. What part of "No one knows who the false-flag co-conspirators were...." are you struggling with, Ed?

  31. If you don't even have a suspected perp, then why believe it's a conspiracy? Is that your default position, that everything is a conspiracy?

  32. A multi-part question deserves a multi-part answer.

    1) Of course skeptics of the official 9/11 story have suspects. What part of "No one KNOWS who the false-flag co-conspirators were...." are you struggling with?

    2) We suspect a conspiracy A) because the official explanation of the collapse of the three buildings runs counter to the laws of physics and human experience and B) the effort required for such a mission exceeds the ability of a single person to effect.

    3) No, everything is not a conspiracy.

    What is your default position? That no bad people exist? That no two people have ever colluded to turn world events in their favor? That wealthy and powerful people never use their wealth and power for their own ends? That nobody could kill 3,000 of their fellow beings and never lose a minutes sleep over it?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  33. Of course two people can conspire to commit murder and not think twice about it, but this particular murder would have required the collusion of easily hundreds of people keeping quiet after all these years.....100% impossible.

  34. Mastermind Ed can't think of a way to pull it off? Well, it must not have happened, then. What could I have been thinking?

  35. Isaac, you couldn't find two government workers who could successfully conspire to steal a box of Swisher Sweets from a neighborhood bodega, like Michael Brown did, without telling somebody about it.

    What makes you think any number of them could pull off the biggest crime of the century and keep it secret for 14 years and running?

  36. We get it, Ed. You can't think of a way to pull a 9/11 false-flag off and you don't think anybody else could have come up with a way, either. You don't have to keep telling us.

    The only question now is does your lack of imagination trump the facts in the case and the laws of nature or not. Should we believe you or should we believe our own lying eyes?
