Friday, March 06, 2015

Hillary's corruption is apparently boundless

So it turns out that when she first became Sec. State, Hillary sent out a memo warning all State Dept. employees NOT to use personal e-mail accounts for State Dept. business because of security and legal issues......even as she was setting up her own server in her basement and using HER personal e-mail for all her State Dept. business. She threatened punishment for violation of this rule.
I realize that most democrat voters will overlook virtually anything (serial sexual assaults, obvious contempt for America, appalling inexperience, numerous questionable deaths) in order to get a militantly pro-abortion president elected, but at some point, don't all the scandals that follow the Clintons become too much even for drone-like democrats? I mean at what point is she just too corrupt, even for democrat voters....assuming there is even a threshold?

Hillary responds to a reporter's question, "How many times in the last 15 minutes have you lied to the American people, personally benefited from your public office, and been appallingly hypocritical by breaking the rules you impose on others?"

Post script: I just learned that after Hillary had the State Dept. send billions in aid money to Haiti after the earth quake, Hillary's brother Tony Rodham, received a once every 5 decades exemption from Haiti to mine that country for gold and is only obligated to pay the government half of the usual percentage.....a sweetheart deal so outrageous that it enraged Haiti's senate to publicly oppose it. 

Peter Schweizer has written a book called Clinton CashThe Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich detailing the corruption and graft associated with Hillary and particularly her time at State. It's due out in May and hopefully will once and for all expose Hillary to be the criminal we know she is, and end her maniacal quest for the white house. 


  1. She won't be the Dem nominee.

  2. That leaves only Elizabeth Warren. Dianne said she had heard that all these attacks on Hillary have come from within the dem party among Warren supporters. That would be fascinating if true.

  3. O'Malley is running. Algore may run! Crazy Joe may run. Somebody we've barely heard of May run. Hillary has frozen that stupid party for years and now it could be like the spring thaw on northern rivers. Look out!

  4. Who the hell is O'Malley? I shudder to imagine the democrat nutjobs that'll be kissing Soros' ass for campaign money.

  5. Previous governor of Maryland. Billionaire owner of the Orioles. Far leftist of course.

  6. Sounds like a Bloomberg type, kissing liberals' asses to insulate himself from criticism from them. Do you think these rich guys really believe the self-defeating crap that comes out of their mouths?

  7. When they support a wealth tax, I'll believe them

  8. Funny how if you profess to be liberal, you aren't evil for being rich. Whereas if you're conservative and modestly middle class, you're evil and racist simply for NOT being on welfare.

  9. I forgot angry Scots-Irish Jim Webb, who is actually a Dem who is not insane. He's also a real war hero, unlike Lurch. The Dems will never nominate him for those reasons.
