Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Vlad the moon, and beyond

Under our Islamo-centric President Obama, NASA abandoned doing anything useful in space and dedicated themselves instead to making unevolved Muslims feel good about their imaginary contributions to science, medicine, philosophy, technology, engineering, art, literature, or any of the other pursuits of modern civilized society. Now we have to pay Putin $80 Million per man just to get to the Space Station. 

Now Vlad Putin has announced that Russia will refund their moon missions and land a man there, presumably to set up a permanent colony, by 2030. 

I have my doubts about whether they'll do it, but that Putin is rubbing our noses in it is an embarrassment to the US. 

Here's a helpful artists rendition of Vlad himself planting the Soviet flag on the moon......and he doesn't even need a helmet.