Thursday, February 19, 2015

Obama calls the worlds Muslims together to remind them that he's with them

You don't think president Obama identifies first as a Muslim and that's where his loyalties lie? At his transparently farcical Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, where he hosted Muslim groups with terrorist ties, he signaled the Muslim one-finger salute of solidarity....

Included are other examples of Muslims giving the salute which translates roughly as, "I am Muslim". Here's a close up of his gesture which judging from their expressions, apparently delighted the deranged terrorist sympathizers to whom Obama ingratiates himself at every opportunity. 

Obama promised that he would "stand with Islam should the political winds shift", rededicates himself to the worlds Muslims. 


  1. Is Egyptian President al-Sisi at this conclave? Obama would do well to follow him if he's looking to a Muslim to emulate.

  2. Yeah I'm not sure about the attendees.

  3. I heard Dr. Krauthammer say something pretty good. It's as if FDR had refused to call the enemy Nazis because he didn't think they were real socialists and they had a perverted sense of nationalism.

  4. And equally absurd, if right after Pearl Harbor, the American media somehow convinced the voters to install a quasi-Japanese guy named Yamamoto, who sympathized with the Japanese cause, into the presidency.

    That we elected President, an obvious Muslim, who despises this country, and whose name sounds exactly like our two worst enemies, continues to baffle me to this day.
