Wednesday, January 07, 2015

France at a terror crossroads, will probably take a wrong turn

Paris joins the victims club of the religion of peace. Islamic gunmen attacked a small satirical magazine killing 12 and injuring others. This video is of them escaping. Apparently the gunmen got their feelings hurt when the magazine satirized Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of ISIS. 

12 journalists dead and the question now is, how will Paris, and by extension all of Europe, respond? 

My guess is they'll outlaw satirization of Islam in any form, apologize to the Islamic community, and promise to adopt more Muslim customs nationwide.  


  1. The internet is awash in evidence that this was a false-flag event, Ed. In your view, why are false-flag events such as Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, and now this, on the increase?

  2. Heh heh Isaac, nice try. Tell me again how 12 dead cartoonists and 4 dead hostages today count as false-flag events?

    Why is it that every time deranged, psychotic Muslims kill people to avenge the pedophile they regard as divine, you believe it never happened and was staged by western governments as some elaborate hoax to foment hatred toward Muslims and validate war in the middle east?

  3. Heh, heh, Ed. Nice try with the straw-man and red-herring fallacies.

  4. Are you saying this was staged? For what purpose?

  5. How about you tell me who benefits from this? The Jooos? How?


  6. “The Roman question is always: Who benefits? The answer is: Not France, not Muslims, but US world hegemony. US hegemony over the world is what the CIA supports. US world hegemony is the neoconservative-imposed foreign policy of the US.”

    ~Paul Craig Roberts, Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui bono?,


    "Cui bono, then, killing Charlie? Only those whose agenda is to demonize Islam. … This was a pro job that happened to take place just a few days after France recognized Palestinian statehood."

    ~Pepe Escobar, Who Profits from Killing Charlie?,


    “There we have it, an attack to mobilize France to the Jewish cause, to make people indignant and for the media to blow on the embers.”
    ~From the French website, La Matrice, Translated by David Massada


    “Cui bono? Jews…to further inflame Islamophobia, specifically in this case with the French establishment which has been putting forth pro-Palestinian overtures of late….”

    ~Nathanael Kapner (born and raised a Jew), Paris Attack Smacks Of False Flag,
