Monday, January 12, 2015

Contrary to the reporting, President Obama did attend the rally in Paris yesterday.

Hat tip to my friend Bill for the pic.


  1. He's right between Netanyahu and the guy from Mali. Even that clown Holder who was already in Paris couldn't bother to go.

    I got it from Powerline.

  2. It was reported that he was doing a round of remote interviews/appearances for the Sunday morning news shows back here. What a clown!

  3. Yeah, doing his "nothing to do with Islam" routine on the Sunday shows - except Fox News Sunday of course.

  4. I'm tired of hearing their weak, but insistent arguments that radical Islam has nothing to do with Islam, as if the two are wholly divorced. They aren't.

    By their silence, the world's 1.6 Billion supposedly peaceful Muslims signal their approval of the barbarism and savagery of their fellow worshipers.

    Though at this point, I'm not sure there's much they can do. To renounce jihad against the infidel hoards, as the Koran commands, is to renounce the Koran itself. I'm afraid the Rubicon has been crossed, at least in Europe, and we will not be free of the constant threat of Islamic violence at any point in our lifetimes.

  5. I am including Egyptian President Al Sisi in my prayers these days - that he doesn't get taken out like Sadat.

  6. Yeah, Egypt fell off the cliff real fast with the Arab Spring. I used to want to go there. Relative secularists are the only leaders who can manage middle east countries these days, in any way that is compatible with the west.
