Monday, December 08, 2014

Like B'ham needs some more race marches, we've had plenty, thank you

Heh heh, literally tens of dopey protesters showed up this weekend in B'ham to march about 10 blocks from RR Park to 5-Points. They were holding typical signs like "Black lives matter", and "No Justice, No Peace", and my favorite, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot".
Of course by now, everybody knows that Michael Brown was a rampaging maniac and his hands weren't up in surrender at any time. The jury is still out on Eric Garner, but the whole scene was supervised by a black, female officer who never once told the policeman using the choke hold, to stop choking Eric Garner. Nobody can say race was an issue there either.
But the facts are inconvenient to the race hustlers and media jackals who would love nothing more than to cover a race war in America. Excessive police force might be an issue here, but institutional police racism most certainly is not.


  1. A couple of months ago, a young couple was kidnapped from their driveway in DeKalb Co., driven to Atlanta with vague ransom demands being called to their family, and then executed on a street of vacant lots. The woman was pregnant, and thankfully the baby was saved. APD detectives diligently solved the murder and arrested three felons. Oh, and the victims and murderers are all black. I have yet to see one of our local activists or leaders protest the murder or thank the cops.

  2. Black on black crime doesn't fit the liberal narrative of whites are all racists and blacks are all noble, put-upon victims of them.

  3. I read where some leftists defend against bringing up black-on-black crime by saying "if conservatives really cared, they would support gun control," which is as much of a non sequitur as I've heard.

  4. All that would do is make law-abiding citizens defenseless against the marauding blacks with the illegally-procured guns.
