Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Cuba should be one big resort

Under President Obama's direction, the US is gearing up to normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba. Breathless conservatives have their collective panties in a wad, confident that economic sanctions and isolation will surely work to bring the brutal Castro regime to its knees.......after 66 years.

Marco Rubio cautioned that this will bring the economic buoy that the Castro regime needs to stay in power. Really Marco? They've outlasted 10 US presidents without it, I doubt they're on the brink of collapse just yet.

The thing that will bring once and for all the collapse, or at least the moderation, of the Cuban government will be economic capitalism in the form of massive tourism. Cuba has the potential to be the Hong Kong of the Caribbean.....communist on paper but a powerhouse of wealth creation in reality. Imagine the flood of wealthy US tourists when they eventually allow resorts and casinos to be built there. Sure the regime will get rich, but so will everybody remotely associated with the tourism industry. Once that ball gets rolling, it'll be very difficult to stop, even for the Castro family.

Clearly our cold-war strategy hasn't's time to give economic infusion a chance.

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