Monday, October 20, 2014

Ron Klain, less qualified to be Ebola czar than Obama is to be president, if you can believe that

The only person in Washington LESS qualified for his job than Obama, gets named by Obama as Ebola czar. Ron Klain is a democratic hack and who knows what he was promised to be Obama's lightening rod during the Ebola scare?
On Saturday Obama spent almost 5 hours on the golf course and then made 20 administration officials and cabinet members attend a night-time Ebola meeting, the second Ebola meeting since Klain was appointed point-man. But Klain didn't attend either meeting.
Maybe he was over at the library reading up on rudimentary virology since he knows nothing about his new job and had literally nothing to contribute to the meeting.
I'm gonna go ahead and predict that the Ebola scare is over in the US. I'd be surprised if any new cases arise, unless they contracted it in Africa and lie to get here by plane. There still has not been a single case of Ebola in the general US population and I think the hysteria is a bit much until there has been.


  1. And this gut WILL get thrown under the hope and change bus. Just wait.

  2. I have to think that's the reason he was placed case it all goes sideways, he's expendable.
