Tuesday, October 14, 2014

John Kerry...effete aristocrat, liberal demagogue, half-witted rube

Our embarrassing secretary of state, Gigolo John Kerry, who's parlayed seducing and marrying fabulously wealthy widows into a lifestyle, had this to say about the Ebola scare and how we should handle it.....

“We need airlines to continue to operate in West Africa, and we need borders to remain open”

That's not a plan, that's simply a counter-argument regarding what we should have done already, but which liberals are adamant about not doing. 

The plan to combat terrorism is to fight the terrorists in their own yards before they come to America, why is that not the strategy to fight infectious disease as well? It sounds like pure insanity to insist on welcoming with open arms the diseased dregs of west Africa who can lie or cheat the lame TSA screening process. And does our economy really depend, I mean at all, on continued flights to and from west Africa? Pardon me if I'm a tad skeptical of that statement. 

By this revealing statement, Kerry inadvertently hinted that this administration is deliberately trying to contaminate and damage the US from within, the purpose of which is anybody's guess, but knowing Obama's background and formative influences, it is to punish the US for her past, colonial, imperialist sins. 

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