Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sanctimonious Americans love to hate Apple

This is the image bouncing around Facebook today. Of course sanctimonious Americans like to pretend that they are empathetic toward the plight of the third world "iSlave", but let's be honest, how many of them would give up their personal electronics, shoes, or other third-world produced goods that make easy, their lives of idle decadence? 

In fact, I'll bet there isn't much in our lives of relative comfort and leisure that isn't produced at some level by grateful peasants in third-world countries. And I would argue that by not consuming these items, whether for moral or solidarity reasons, you may contributing to their lives of squalor and misery, for without sweat shops and dangerous factories to work in, what would they be doing? Begging, panhandling, waiting for relief organizations to hand them a bowl of rice each day......or maybe nothing at all?

But one thing is for sure, phony, self-righteous American sanctimony won't fill up the stomachs of starving babies in Africa and China. 


  1. My family is fully immersed in the Apple ecosystem. We love it. Why? The equipment just works. No tinkering or constant patch downloads, etc.

    When I was younger I used to enjoy tinkering on my cars, computers, etc. Not anymore. Now I just want them to do what they are supposed to do. To this Apple performs admirably.

  2. My family is fully immersed in the Apple ecosystem. We love it. Why? The equipment just works. No tinkering or constant patch downloads, etc.

    When I was younger I used to enjoy tinkering on my cars, computers, etc. Not anymore. Now I just want them to do what they are supposed to do. To this Apple performs admirably.

  3. BTW, I've never seen an unhappy or disgruntled Apple employee in one of there stores!
