Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Muslim are natural criminals

Noryway deported over 5,000 foreigners last year as a new way to fight crime. That's a 31% increase from 2012. The chief nationalities of those deported are Nigerians, Afghans, Moroccans, and Iraqi's and the chief religion of those deported is Muslim.

It would seem that the Norwegians have figured out that importing peasants, supporting them as wards of the state, and allowing them to not assimilate to Norwegian culture, is inviting their criminal behavior, and they've had enough of it.

Good for the Norwegians. Surely the other countries who've graciously, and ignorantly, I mean if we're being honest, imported Muslims into their country to show how accepting and open-hearted they are, will follow Norway's lead and start to repatriate the criminally minded Muslims who are essentially squatting in their countries. No doubt the US will never do this as we are too far gone down the path of self-loathing, self-destruction, and moonbattery to stop now.


  1. Following your line of reasoning, incorporating the information below, and generalizing from the few to the many as you frequently do with Muslims, do you think you ought to post a blog entry entitled "Jews are natural criminals," Ed?

    109 Locations whence Jews have been expelled since AD250

    250 -Carthage
    415 -Alexandria
    554 -Diocèse of Clermont (France)
    561 -Diocèse of Uzès (France)
    612 -Visigoth Spain
    642 -Visigoth Empire
    855 -Italy
    876 -Sens
    1012 -Mainz
    1182 -France
    1182 -Germany
    1276 -Upper Bavaria
    1290 -England
    1306 -France
    1322 -France (again)
    1348 -Switzerland
    1349 -Hielbronn (Germany)
    1349 -Saxony
    1349 -Hungary
    1360 -Hungary
    1370 -Belgium
    1380 -Slovakia
    1388 -Strasbourg
    1394 -Germany
    1394 -France
    1420 -Lyons
    1421 -Austria
    1424 -Fribourg
    1424 -Zurich
    1424 -Cologne
    1432 -Savoy
    1438 -Mainz
    1439 -Augsburg
    1442 -Netherlands
    1444 -Netherlands
    1446 -Bavaria
    1453 -France
    1453 -Breslau
    1454 -Wurzburg
    1462 -Mainz
    1483 -Mainz
    1484 -Warsaw
    1485 -Vincenza (Italy)
    1492 -Spain
    1492 -Italy
    1495 -Lithuania
    1496 -Naples
    1496 -Portugal
    1498 -Nuremberg
    1498 -Navarre
    1510 -Brandenberg
    1510 -Prussia
    1514 -Strasbourg
    1515 -Genoa
    1519 -Regensburg
    1533 -Naples
    1541 -Naples
    1542 -Prague & Bohemia
    1550 -Genoa
    1551 -Bavaria
    1555 -Pesaro
    1557 -Prague
    1559 -Austria
    1561 -Prague
    1567 -Wurzburg
    1569 -Papal States
    1571 -Brandenburg
    1582 -Netherlands
    1582 -Hungary
    1593 -Brandenburg, Austria
    1597 -Cremona, Pavia & Lodi
    1614 -Frankfort
    1615 -Worms
    1619 -Kiev
    1648 -Ukraine
    1648 -Poland
    1649 -Hamburg
    1654 -Little Russia (Beylorus)
    1656 -Lithuania
    1669 -Oran (North Africa)
    1669 -Vienna
    1670 -Vienna
    1712 -Sandomir
    1727 -Russia
    1738 -Wurtemburg
    1740 -Little Russia (Beylorus)
    1744 -Prague, Bohemia
    1744 -Slovakia
    1744 -Livonia
    1745 -Moravia
    1753 -Kovad (Lithuania)
    1761 -Bordeaux
    1772 -Deported to the Pale of Settlement (Poland/Russia)
    1775 -Warsaw
    1789 -Alsace
    1804 -Villages in Russia
    1808 -Villages & Countrysides (Russia)
    1815 -Lbeck & Bremen
    1815 -Franconia, Swabia & Bavaria
    1820 -Bremen
    1843 -Russian Border Austria & Prussia
    1862 -Areas in the U.S. under General Grant's Jurisdiction[1]
    1866 -Galatz, Romania
    1880s -Russia
    1891 -Moscow
    1919 -Bavaria (foreign born Jews)
    1938-45 -Nazi Controlled Areas
    1948 -Arab Countries

  2. Apples and oranges my friend. Nations that last longer than a blink have at one time or another, been perceived as having committed atrocities against humanity.

    Are you saying that everywhere Jews have gone in the world, the local crime rate has risen? Maybe the price and quality of precious gems perhaps, but not garden-variety, individual crime.

  3. Is it your view that Jews were expelled en mass 109 times because they were more moral, more truthful, more honest and more fair than the general population of the respective countries?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Excerpted from

    RE OP-ED: Anti-Semitism is a confirmation that the Jews are successfully fulfilling their mission of ‘the Chosen’

    Editor’s note: No, this is not a joke, it is the real deal.
    We run it here as yet another piece of evidence concerning the type of mental illness we are dealing with here when it comes to Jews, Judaism, and organized Jewish interests. As much as writers, polemicists, and others within the group constantly ask the question aloud ‘why are we so persecuted’, at the same time, they truly don’t want to hear the answer, and when forced to come up with some kind of ‘rational’ explanation as to why there has ALWAYS been this historically-documented backlash against them, the inevitable diagnosis is NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE SO BAD, BUT RATHER BECAUSE THEY ARE SO GOOD.
