Monday, September 29, 2014

B'ham man defies seemingly insurmountable odds.....gets hit by train

A guy here in B'ham got hit by a train last night. The article says he was trying to cross the tracks. Seriously?
It takes at most 3 steps and maybe 3 seconds to cross a set of tracks. What are the odds that at precisely those three seconds, a train is at that exact point too? (I could calculate that, and I just might.)
But let's allow that you're a very slow walker, it's not like you don't know where a train might be. They don't run up on sidewalks and kill people. How do you not look....even if you are a drunk hobo, which he might not have been?

1 comment:

  1. Ed,
    If I'd been drinking coffee when I read this line "It takes at most 3 steps and maybe 3 seconds to cross a set of tracks." I would have spewed liquid all over my iPad.
    Too funny.
