Friday, July 11, 2014

If you shop at Target, you may BE a target

I don't shop at Target, ever. 
First they forbade employees from saying "merry Christmas" to customers. Then they banned Salvation Army bell-ringers from their stores because they represent Christianity. Then they started marketing Che Guevera-themed product lines. And finally, they announced recently that they do not want shoppers to carry legal firearms.
Promptly, predictably, and ironically, gun-brandishing thugs staged robberies at Target stores in Georgia. It's as if by announcing the stores are gun-free zones, the company branded their customers and employees with actual targets.
If you must shop at Target, carry your concealed weapon in spite of the company rule. Your life may depend on it.


  1. Thanks for the alert, Ed. (I have a carry permit.)

  2. Me too. I don't carry everywhere i go like a lot of guys, but "gun-free zones" like Target are prime pickings for shooters. All the more reason to shop at Walmart.
