Thursday, June 19, 2014

The hyper-politicization of government

Three smarmy bureaucrats in the US patent office, who're not accountable to anybody, decided this week to rescind six of the copyright patents held by the Washington Redskins football franchise. Because Obama and Harry Reid, the most outspoken advocates of name change, cannot legally force owner Dan Snyder to change the name, they encouraged the patent office to apply economic pressure instead.

The whole issue about the Redskins name was brought by 5 Native Americans who apparently don't have jobs and have all this idle time to whine about how offended they are by the team mascot. The Redskins have been around since 1935 and not a whine from anybody. Now, political correctness is all the rage and literally any word, mascot, speech, symbol, or title that offends even one person is subject to intimidation by busy-body liberals in government.

Dan Snyder should appeal this wholly political ruling by a board that should be completely impartial.

What other names might be the target of politicized weasels at the patent and trademark office? No doubt the Braves, Blackhawks, and Cleveland Indians are on the chopping block next. Are we going to rename Illinois, Oklahoma, Iowa, Alabama, and the 22 other states with Indian names? How about we force McDonald's to change it's name because it offends who, Irishmen?

The government cannot capriciously deprive a citizen of his property and income because three underachievers in government become suddenly and arbitrarily offended by the name he chose for his business.


  1. "The government cannot capriciously deprive a citizen of his property and income because three underachievers in government become suddenly and arbitrarily offended by the name he chose for his business."

    Watch them

  2. Perhaps I should have reworded that to "The government SHOULD NOT.....".

  3. Players who are offended by the Redskins name should turn down any offer to play for (and be paid by) the Redskins.

    Spectators who are offended should find another interest on game day.

    Opposing teams who are offended should forfeit any scheduled game, including the Super Bowl, should that match-up occur.

    To the rest, you are offended? So what?

  4. I don't think anybody's really offended except those 5 Indians who're pretending to be offended for attention. The rest are just being meddling assholes who like to impose their whims onto the lives of others for a sanctimonious power trip.
