Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Steve Perry makes a comeback.....girls who were 15 in 1978 elated

Unless you're a 15 year old girl with teased hair and apple flavored lip gloss at a roller rink during "couples-skate", and it's like 1978 and that one creepy older dude who's already out of high school but still hangs around roller rinks is hitting on you and you're flattered by the attention, Journey is crap!
Apparently Steve Perry hasn't been in his band Journey for like 20 years.....who knew? I guess he stopped believing. Anyway, apparently he's making a comeback as a solo artist by dropping in on a gig with a band called Eels in St. Paul for a two-song set of old Journey favs. 


  1. Ever? Not sure about that, but I did like "Stone in Love". They were the go-to make-out band, that's for sure.

  2. It's not like "forever" in rock encompasses centuries.

  3. That is true. I didn't really start listening to music until like the 8th grade in '75. Three Dog Night, Blood, Sweat, and Tears, Alice Cooper, and Boston.
