Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Stairway to court for Led Zeppelin

So this band Taurus who used to tour with Led Zeppelin, is suing LZ for stealing a guitar riff lasting like 8 seconds, which Led then used as the opening, and immediately recognizable, riff for Stairway. Have a listen to this and see if you can hear the classic Stairway riff. I think I can.....maybe they have a beef.


Surely there's a statute of limitation on copyright infringement. I mean Taurus wrote this in '68 and Stairway was released in '71. Still, that's 43 years ago.


  1. same chords but the notes are plucked in a different order.
    so in reality the only thing thats the same is the rythm of it, and there are a lot of songs in 4/4 time with a note on each beat.

  2. That's kind of what I thought Phill.

    It was more suggestive of Stairway than a direct rip-off.
