Thursday, May 22, 2014

College debate, street style

This is what passes for college-level debate now? It's nothing more than illiterate, grievance-based, Ebonic caterwauling......

I'm only guessing here, but it seems that which ever team uses the N-word more is awarded the victory for being more authentically black.


  1. First, I must say I could not watch the entire video. Second, this appears to be rap more than debate. Third, these are high school or college students? What school? State? What country?
    Fourth, is this a joke? Was the news "reporter" in on the joke?

    Fifth, if this is real, I argue this the number ONE threat to our national security and a the purest manifestation of political correctness and national coddling. What debate coach would allow, endorse, or encourage this?

    My day is ruined.

  2. This has to be a joke.

  3. I don't think so, David. I've read articles talking about this topic. It's another sign that academia has lost it's bearings completely.

  4. It's real David. Towson State is in Baltimore. Now, it might be the black-college debate championships and not the over-all debate championships. I can't imagine any scenario, regardless of how biased the judges are, in which the Harvard team loses to these caterwauling dunces. But yeah, it's real.

  5. From

    "Wikipedia tells us:

    The Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA) is the largest intercollegiate policy debate association in the United States. Throughout the school year, CEDA sanctions over 60 tournaments throughout the nation, including an annual National Championship Tournament that brings together over 175 individual debate teams from across the nation to compete for a national championship.

    According to an article in The Atlantic, the traditional style of debate in which participants research a subject and argue the merits of the facts has been replaced by free-form rap lyrics and personal insults. In essence, it’s like those urban “Yo mama so fat” contests."

  6. So academically Isaac, what do you suppose is the purpose of this "style" of debate? It appears to be little else than the ramblings of free-associative miscreants. You can't even understand what they're saying, much less make sense of it. Were there white teams or is this a black college event?

  7. The traditional debate form that requires participants to do exhaustive research and to present well-reasoned, carefully-crafted arguments is racist on its face, Ed. It is time that academia gave us black folk a paternalistic boost. You feel me, you honkey mofo? (satire)

  8. Sadly Isaac, that's not too far from the truth. They feel they are owed something from white society because of the colonial sins of our past.

    Good luck getting into law school or finding a job with debate and project presentation skills like that.
